It’s the time of year where we are all busy gathering gifts and preparing to attend holiday events. With these two events on our agendas, it would be easy to go to the nearest department store and purchase a new dress for the upcoming office party, a new sweater for your child or grandchild’s holiday concert. We understand that it’s often more convenient to shop for a newly made piece of clothing. However, remember that it takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular blue jeans and the unique dyes in that dresses fabric; the disposal of them often harms nearby water sources.
Since we as women represent 71% of this countries fashion consumers, know that how you choose to spend your money is a direct representation of your voice. By choosing to purchase your clothing second hand, you are removing a sale from a fast-fashion brand. The more conscious decisions you make about how and where you spend your money, the more you will see the fashion industry change.
The weekend of Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, we hosted our anniversary sale, and we are stocked with dresses for those office parties, sweaters for holiday family events, and coats for the winter weather that will soon be upon us.
Save these dates because here are the other events happening in-store this holiday season:
Self-care Saturday, December 7th with Skull Sugar cosmetics
Annual Pet Pics for Pongo fundraiser with Santa Saturday, December 21st
To receive all of Consigning Women’s event and sale notifications, make sure to sign you for our email list as well as follow us on social media. We hope to see you in-store this holiday season.