During These Uncertain Times Our Commitment Has Not Changed

We have been watching these uncertain times unfold not only around the world but in our community that we hold so dear.  Consigning Women was founded to be a beacon of not only consigned designer fashion but a place where women can come together.

During these uncertain times, our commitment has not changed just the way we are delivering it.

Our online shoes and handbags store has always existed, and we are continuing to update that space as well as our social media profiles. When you decide to make a purchase, we are complimentary shipping it to you. You can shop from the comfort of your home and dress up for fancy home-cooked date night in the comfort of your home.

Being home during a self-quarantine does not mean that you only wear leggings and baggy sweatshirts. It is a proven study that how we dress directly affects our mood for the day. Even if you are going to be home all day for the foreseeable future, put on those jeans that fit just right, and accessorize yourself. You never know who will Facetime and check in on you.

These are confusing times for all of us, but we are committed to helping you look and feel your best. We will continue to bring you as many fun and exciting pieces as we can virtually gather. In the meantime, let’s stay in touch.


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


Take Care, Everyone,



Tags: COVID-19, updates