Recycling ala Oscars

Actress Jane Fonda has turned climate change activist by announcing that she has made her last new clothing purchase.


If you haven't heard the news by now, Jane Fonda has started protesting on Fridays on the capital steps for climate change; she is calling these protests "Fire Drill Fridays." Fonda's activism isn't a new phenomenon; she has been an activist for several other causes previously, even so far as being watched by the FBI during her Vietnam War protests.  Fonda has said that she is inspired by what younger generations are saying, especially Greta Thunberg and that it's time for her to walk the talk for them. This is a refreshing acknowledgment of the climate crisis from an older perspective, and one that has the potential to span generational lines.


" Who among us has not run out and bought an entirely new outfit to wear to a wedding, party, or even just an Instagram post so no one would see you in the same thing twice? Once Greta Thunberg announced her personal ban on new clothes, Fonda followed suit. "I've never been a big shopper, to tell you the truth," she admits. "If I need something new, I'll either borrow it or buy it secondhand. I still have clothes from 30 and 40 years ago, so I'm going to wear what I already have." Who What Wear


At the 2020 Oscars, Fonda also wore her 2014 Oscar dress, something that is virtually unheard of for celebrities to do at that caliber of event.  A reminder to all of us that the greenest thing we can do is purchase and wear clothing that already exists.


I know there are clothes way in the back of your closet that no longer fit you or make you feel like your best self; however, those clothes could do that for someone else. I encourage you to look through and try on your spring clothing as we are currently accepting those items and bring in what is no longer serving you.  While we are looking through your consignments, peruse our racks and see what other women have to offer to you.  Shopping second hand is one of the greenest and most natural things that you can do.