When you endlessly peruse the racks of clothes at the big-name stores, you run the strong chance of wearing the same thing as someone else who has also been perusing those racks. Most of us get a strange uncomfortable feeling if we show up to meet our friends for lunch and they are wearing either precisely the same or nearly the same outfit as we are. You are friends, so your taste in fashion is most likely similar, but when you show up wearing the same thing, it can feel sort of like your outfit is not unique.
The flip side of the coin is when you have been asked, “Where did you get that?” When that question is asked to you, the feeling that comes usually brings confidence and joy after the last syllable is spoken. Then seeing the unbelievable expression on the person’s face when you answer, “At a Consignment store.” It can make you feel like a modern-day treasure hunter who found something incredibly unique that it got noticed.
These similar things can happen to you when you shop consignment stores. Most of the time, when people hear consignment stores, they think the said store is filled with clothing that is way out of style, damaged, and should belong in a landfill. I am here to tell you that is not the case. Consignment stores are full of clothing and accessories that either does not fit or no longer serve the consignor’s wardrobe. At Consigning Women, we are stocked with high-end designer pieces that you would typically find at Nordstrom, Anthropologie, Nieman Marcus, and even Louis Vuitton, to name a few. Every consignment store is filled with high-end wardrobe gems, the limit of wardrobe additions does not exist when you shop consignment.
Another perk to you is that stores like ours are stocked with wardrobe essentials from designers at half the cost to you. Meaning that the expensive luxury designer shoes you have had your eye on at the big-name store for a season could be waiting for you at your local consignment store because they pinched the feet, and the return policy ran out for the original purchaser.
When you begin to shop consignment, you will notice that you’ll save so much time building your wardrobe if you commit to spending 1 hour a month at a consignment store to find 1-3 items that you can build upon. With time you will create a unique to-you wardrobe without breaking the bank.
We are open seven days a week from 11-5 in downtown Lake Oswego, Oregon. Make sure that you follow us on social media to see what types of consignments we are currently accepting and sneak peeks of items before they make it onto our website or store racks.