Is It Safe To Buy Second Hand Clothing During a Pandemic?

The magic of shopping consignment and second hand is that you don't find the right clothes, the right clothes find you.


One of the concerns that we want to clear from your mind right now is that second-hand items are unlikely to spread the novel coronavirus, especially if they're washed or disinfected between uses. According to the CDC, COVID-19 has not demonstrated an ability to be transferred from soft surfaces like fabric to humans. Due to its absorbency, washing fabric with detergent and water will destroy the virus, much like washing your hands.


At Consigning Women, we are extremely cautious when we are processing your consignments. You'll notice that when you bring your clothing in to consign it might not make it to the floor or the online store right away, we have rules in place to keep both us and you, our customer safe. Newly consigned items will sit in the store in their original bags for three days before we will handle the contents with gloves to list online and put on the floor for customer purchase.


With a plethora of disposable masks and gloves being worn and thrown out every day and dishwashers and washing machines being used more than before, any little bit we can do for the earth helps.


Shopping consignment and second hand is an excellent way to support the environment because when you purchase an already existing clothing product, you are helping conserve water. It takes 2,700 liters of water to make one cotton t-shirt. The average person drinks that much water in 2 years. Buying your clothes second-hand helps reduce the energy that is needed to make new garments, reduce carbon emission, and reduce the amount of polluted water from the process.


You can count on us to help you save the environment one piece of clothing purchase at a time, and to wear a mask and gloves when we are processing your clothing consignments and while you shop the store.