Did you know that we have a website? One of the highlights of our website is our designer handbag section. We know that it can be intimidating to shop consignment clothing on a website or a social media profile. But the handbag and jewelry sections of our website are wardrobe staples that will always fit exactly the way they are supposed to.
There are currently three stunning Louis Vuitton's available both on our website and in-store. You can rest assured that at Consigning Women, we do our diligence to authenticate each designer bag that comes in.
At Consigning Women, we do not accept replica handbags on consignment because we would be at risk for a lawsuit from the brand if we did. It is illegal to sell replica and counterfeit goods because the replicas infringe on the authentic brands' copyrights.
Shoppers have been coming to Consigning Women for 15 years to find the best, and they continually return to see what is new. As a result, we have set high standards to ensure they find the quality designer items they crave. Consigning Women reserves the right to refuse listing an item on our website if it does not match our exceptionally rigorous standards.
When you consign and shop the Consigning Women designer label handbags, purses, and select accessories, you can expect that our team of experts has adequately authenticated all the items in the store and can guarantee peace of mind that your investment in a piece is authentic.
We are still accepting summer items for consignment: Think linen, maxi dresses, sandals all of the clothing that we have been wearing since the beginning of this heatwave.